- 58) panathlon club lecce always supports caroli hotels cup

Panathlon Club Lecce is always active in the territory in order to underline sports model and promote its moral and cultural values. For this reason, it shows its interest and admiration for Caroli Hotels Cup – Young Football Carnival Tournament in Gallipoli.

So, this year as well this organization will be pleased to award “Fair Play Trophy – Mario Stasi” to the team or the player who stands out for honesty and integrity during the tournament.

This event is an unmissable opportunity for the most important Italian and foreign football teams, since highlights international feature of the tournament and showcases young talents that begin playing football.

The tournament is an important occasion for Gallipoli and all Salento to promote the territory and let know people who leave year. Also for this reason, Panathlon Club Lecce sincerely appreciates Caroli Hotels Cup organizers, specifically Dr. Attilio Caroli Caputo and his right-hand persons. Tournament team works with diligence and passion in order to offer an opportunity to get in touch, compete and have new and useful experiences from sports and human point of view with hundreds of young players coming from all over the world.

We are sure that 2015 edition of Carnival Tournament of Gallipoli will be successful and will give engaging matches and deep emotions to sports crowd of Salento, who witness football matches with teams and staff coming from all over the world.

Sure that the success of this event will award the involvement and the dedication of right-hand organizers and of the participants, I greet everyone and I wish all the best.

Ludovico Malorgio – Panathlon Club Lecce Chairman

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Torneo carnevale di Gallipoli - Coppa Santa Maria di Leuca
ASD Capo di Leuca I-73030 SANTA MARIA DI LEUCA (Lecce) Lungomare Colombo, 61 - C.F./P.iva 04422200750 Matricola FIGC 933909 Iscrizione Registro CONI 160426