does china take part in carnival tournament?

One or more Chinese young teams could take part in the 12th edition of Carnival Tournament of Gallipoli - Santa Maria di Leuca Cup, an international event that has turned into an important occasion for devotees and workers, planned from the 12th until the 17th of February 2015. In fact, ApulianBRICS, in cooperation with Simon Sport of Beijing, hosted a Chinese contingent for two days, first at Grand Hotel Tiziano and later at Caroli Hotels' facilities in Gallipoli and Santa Maria di Leuca. Mr Song, President of Huber Football Club and of Wuhan first team (that is, Wuhan Zall FC, which at present plays in the First Division Chinese Championship) was present. His visit in Salento was aimed at take a look at sports centres and interesting places from a sports and touristic point of view. He was accompanied by Mr Chen, chief executive and a very influential man in the managerial framework of the Club, and by Alice Yang (Sirion Sport of Beijing). Chinese group was completely enraptured by naturalistic beauties of our land, our wonderful beaches and clear water. They also seized the occasion for going boating in Leuca caves. It was also an opportunity to argue out Chinese participation in Carnival Tournament. Fro this reason, a meeting between Chinese contingent and Attilio Caroli Caputo, event manager, as well as Daniele Pisacane, Organizational Secretary's supervisor. So, one of the aim of the meeting was the participation of Wullan Zall FC team in the training camp in January and February for the Salentinian event. Why? Because Salento can offer a more adequate climate, essential facilities and a healthy diet. The project has developed thanks to "Apulia in brics", a tourism network that has just come back from a fair in Beijing, that was an occasion to promote Apulia territory in the Far East. Fabio Danese is one of the managers of the network of Apulia's firms. "Chinese people is interested in our territory for many reasons - Danese explains - not only for tourism. For example, in this case football teams are interested in it, because Salento can offer, unlike what happens in China, a moderate climate, a healthy diet and a lot of attractive places that are typical of our land. As well as the training camp of Wuhan first team, also young teams' players can come here for a campus". Chinese contingent visited sports fields in Carmiano, San Donato, Lequile and Castrignano del Capo. Therefore, China is not so far from here.

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Torneo carnevale di Gallipoli - Coppa Santa Maria di Leuca
ASD Capo di Leuca I-73030 SANTA MARIA DI LEUCA (Lecce) Lungomare Colombo, 61 - C.F./P.iva 04422200750 Matricola FIGC 933909 Iscrizione Registro CONI 160426